Monday 25 April 2011

Family Feud Game Download

Game Description

Ever watch Family Feud on TV and know you could do better? Here's your chance!

One of the most celebrated, longest running television game shows of all time is now available for you to play on your computer!
The rules are straightforward: they've asked a simple survey question to a hundred people, and it's up to you and your team to guess the most popular answers. The more people who thought like you, the more points you get.
Experience all the high-stakes fun felt by thirty years of Family Feud contestants!

Example Survey Questions:

  • Name something a cat has that humans don't
  • What food is New York famous for?
  • Name something that gets engraved
As far as questions go, Family Feud comes with over 2,000 different questions with more than 10,000 answers that will keep you playing for a long time!

Be quick with your answers!

Just like the show, you only get a certain amount of time to come up with an answer. Submit a word or phrase that isn't one of the five or six designated answers and you'll get a strike; get three strikes and the round is over.
The game lasts four rounds, but if your score is high enough you'll move on to the bonus Fast Money round!

Multiplayer options give Family Feud lasting appeal

Play by yourself and go up against the game's average score and your own past high scores, or grab a friend to play with either on the same team or as opponents.
For the truly authentic Family Feud game show experience, invite an entire other family over for some Family Feud fun!

It's a great family game - it's in the name!

Recreate the chaos and fun of the game show in the comfort and privacy of your own home! Try to think of the top answer with the rest of your team shouting madly in the background.
Got one worth 42 points? "Good answer! Good answer!" On the other hand, if your answer isn't listed you'll hear gasps and groans from your teammates, and cheers from your opponents!

Family Friendly Survey Questions & Features

You don't have to worry about any crass humor or inappropriate topics.  The questions and answers are all family friendly and general enough to be understood and answered by players of almost any age. You can allow everyone on the team to huddle before each answer, or give each person an individual crack at it. The entire game is specifically geared towards family play, which shouldn't be a surprise - it's Family Feud!

Graphics and sound give you the full experience!

Each aspect of the game stays true to the original. Detailed graphics brilliantly capture the same look and feel of the game show, from the game board to the score board and everything in between.
As if that's not enough, the game's sound further immerses you in the amazing world of Family Feud!

Family Feud's customizable features let you pick your preferences

You can increase the amount of time available to get your answer in to make up for those precious seconds needed to type it. Or, for the ultimate challenge, decrease the time allotment so Family Feud plays like a game of lightning rounds! When playing alone, turn the sound down or completely off for greater concentration.


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